10 Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes to Jumpstart Your Morning

10 Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes to Jumpstart Your Morning

As someone who works from home, my first thought of the day is usually my professional to-do list and what I should tackle first. From a health perspective, that probably isn’t ideal. My first thought should be what type of high-quality fuel am I going to give my body not just to tackle the first task but…

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Flexispot E2 Desk Review – The 1-year Review and What I’d Change

Flexispot E2 Desk Review – The 1-year Review and What I’d Change

After about a year of freelancing, I came to the sudden realisation that I sat, on average, 14 hours a day (8 working, 6 watching t.v./YouTube/vegging). My back hurt, my hips were tight, I was getting headaches, and my waistline was slowly but surely growing. I came to the point that I had to say…

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12 Ways to Manage Stress- How to not go off the deep end

12 Ways to Manage Stress- How to not go off the deep end

Can I get an amen for any stressed freelancers out there? No? That’s ok. We’re all looking for ways to lower our stress levels, and 95% of us (made up statistic) don’t follow through on them, myself included. The biggest reason that most of us don’t prioritize our health is that creating healthy habits and…

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Planning a Home Office – Function and Comfort over Form

Planning a Home Office – Function and Comfort over Form

I know many people think that freelancers are out having lunch or working at cafes and travelling the world only working when we want to, but that’s not really the case. Creating a  successful freelance business is all about routine and self-care. Freelancers who have no ties and can island hop whenever they feel like are few…

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Stand Up Computer Desk – Ultimate Buyers Guide

Stand Up Computer Desk – Ultimate Buyers Guide

So, I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve started looking into a stand-up computer desk for your home office, but you’ve seen a ton of pushback. Different scientific studies are saying they’re “worse than sitting” or that it’s all “smoke and mirrors” and don’t waste your money. There’s one massive misunderstanding though that people make when…

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13 Healthy Snacks for at Work – Guilt-free Snacking At Your Desk

13 Healthy Snacks for at Work – Guilt-free Snacking At Your Desk

I’m going to let you all in on a little secret. I think my favorite thing about being a freelancer is that I have my entire kitchen at my disposal 24/7. I’m what we call in the foodie world, a ‘grazer’. I eat all the time, but I don’t usually eat that much. I’m also not so…

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