Marketing for Translators: Find Direct Clients

Marketing for Translators: Find Direct Clients

Marketing for translators is for experienced, full-time translator (with a few years under their belt) and who are ready to move away from agencies. If you’re just getting started in translation though I’d recommend heading over to my other post where I break down how I became a freelance translator. How to Become a freelance…

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Freelance Translator Website: Do you need one?

Freelance Translator Website: Do you need one?

Should I have a freelance translator website? I’ve gotten this question a lot lately and I usually only have one answer, and it’s “Why not?”. Honestly, why wouldn’t you have a freelance translator website? What’s the downside? I see very few and they’re easily fixed. Keep reading to learn about the pros and cons of…

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Flexispot Deskcise Pro V9 Review: Comfort and Function in One

Flexispot Deskcise Pro V9 Review: Comfort and Function in One

You might have seen the under-desk-bikes floating around. You may have even seen the Flexispot Deskcise Pro on social media lately. They’re in the middle of a massive campaign as they partner with Instagram influencers like @taymbrown and @cp_g to get their name out there and it seems to be working. I’ve been using Flexispot products for about…

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12 Advanced Self-Care Tips You Haven’t Considered

12 Advanced Self-Care Tips You Haven’t Considered

As freelancers and entrepreneurs, we’ve all heard the standard self-care tips of taking a break, eating well, exercising yadda yadda. But there are a lot of things that many people don’t talk much about that you can do in your personal life as well as your business to help prioritize your health and well-being. I’d…

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6 Things to Steal from Google to Improve your Freelance Company Culture

6 Things to Steal from Google to Improve your Freelance Company Culture

Google has consistently been among the top 10 places to work for the last 6 years according to Glassdoors Best Places to Work. They obviously value the happiness of their employees, and they do so for one simple reason: happy employees are more effective employees. It’s not rocket science, and I don’t think I have to…

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Live and Dare – Online Beginners Meditation Course Review

Live and Dare – Online Beginners Meditation Course Review

Are you tired of stressing over deadlines, late payments, terrible clients and all in all just running your own freelance business? I know I was. Meditation has been the stress-management answer for hundreds of millions, and it might be just what you need. I’ve been meditating on and off for a few years now (around…

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