Category: Physical

5 of The Cons of Working From Home – Do they outweigh the pros?

5 of The Cons of Working From Home – Do they outweigh the pros?

Let me preface this article by saying I love working at home and I love what I do, but it’s not all working in your pajamas and waking up at 11 am. Although I personally believe the pros do outweigh the cons when it comes to freelancing, there are things that people don’t tell you about that I had…

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How to Help Lower Back Pain – 5 habits to change your life

How to Help Lower Back Pain – 5 habits to change your life

Back pain for most of us freelancers is because unfortunately, to be able to have enough money to eat, we have to sit at our desks. That means long hours on our keesters in a position that puts our whole body at jeopardy (What is sciatic pain for 200, Alex?) I’m going to run through through…

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About HF

About HF

Welcome fellow freelancers! My name is Andrew and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to visit my site, Healthy Freelancers, and I hope it helps you to put healthy systems in place that allows you to prioritize your health and well being to make a freelance business you can be proud of.…

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